Walking is the life of
a city. Even pigeons do it. Saw a boy get
bumped by a car reversing after it had crept
halfway through redlight into intersection.
People screamed, driver was sorry. Stopped
by JPM's to see a pro
video deck he scored for free which he
offered to me. Then up to Wall of Sound, where I
dropped off New Year's Eve tickets
for sale. At CHAC, John Boylan hosted PDL, who lent
interesting insight into their Portable
Confession Booth, which they consider mental
sanitation as crucial to civic hygiene as
public toilets. On the way, saw this paper
art on a lamppost near where 1st Xian
church used to be. The artist is Lars, who
was one of the crew who covered the Bridge Motel in
graphics before it finally came down just
last week or so. Waiting for the bus home, a
guy with handguns stencilled on his jeans
made everyone nervous and an ambulance
arrived across the street to treat someone's
mental disturbance. City living...