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February 1, 2012
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Beach Bunker Badaker
Placencia was hit hard by Hurricane Iris in 2001.
Ten years later there are still some reminders of
the 95% devastation, such as this roofless shack
and a number of stripped bare concrete pads, but
for the most part it's undergoing rapid development.

Plastic Jetsam Placencia
On my second day here a freak storm blew tons of
plastic refuse onto the beach, a salty garbage soup.
Local residents blame Honduras and Guatemala,
where they claim it's normal to dump trash into
rivers which then empty into Caribbean Sea.

                              Nah Waa No Cruise Ship Eena We Waata
The local dock is being rebuilt much bigger than
before to accommodate large charters and
private yachts. The powers that be are pushing
for a cruise ship terminal, too, which few in
this traditional fishing village want.

Vango Superyacht - 164', $30 Million
The talk of the town was this 164' $30 million yacht
anchored for days in the harbor. How many of the
12-man crew were armed guards? Maybe the best
thing is to buy in somewhere relatively unspoiled
and work locally to preserve it. I want to belong.