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Picture of the Day

August 4, 2014


next thing i know i'm under
a tropical island cataract,
pool refreshingly cool,
water running down
60-foot cliff face warm
from its meandering journey
along shallow jungle streambed

three spiritual women stand
waist-deep singing, harmonies
resonate in natural amphitheater,
their voices lift me literally off
the riverworn rock where i recumb,
leaving wet imprint of my naked body,
a shadow-self evaporating as i levitate
a fraction of an inch above it, so little
that no one notices i am defying gravity
but enough for me to feel the miracle
of this energy. the sunlit mist
from spray of cascade whirls past
my face till i'm flying headlong through
a thousand constellations, stars cling to
my skin, i taste their cold fire on my lips...

Alelele Falls--my launchpad and destination,
going nowhere fast, now here and everywhere at last

PPF #10/31