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Picture of the Day
March 26, 2019

spacer.gif it's been a long time since i've seen so many
bees, dozens buzzing from blossom to
blossom of copious ground cover. there
used to be 16 hives here then they were
overwhelmed by beetles after we left, but maybe these bees
were refugees from those colonies. new battery array finally
arrived today, we hoisted the 1800 lb. steel cabinet in place
with tractor forks and chains. in contrast to all this massive
machinery, found seven hatchlings hiding under
a shelf in the hut. judging by their black and
white markings they might have been orcas
in a previous life. gotta roll with change.
one of the cats here loves me so             
much she soaks my lap with drool.      
the other (also an orca) is starting
to warm up to me. progress
is being made.