Wash the lime and roll it on
the board to loosen the juices.
Sprinkle with the sugar and crush the pieces (pulp side up) with a pestle.
Add the cachaça and stir to mix. It is delicious and potent! |
Sarah came back from Brazil,
I picked her up in Bruce & Connie's white Subaru with the demonically
tiny radio controls, sport talk debate about retiring Ken Griffey, Jr's number
24, we hit the sun sun sunny balcony, sipped caipirinhas, ate a big lunch
at West Indian place up the block where we ate my first day in seattle, bought
some limes for the evening, napped on the futon till dark, then James and
James and Michelle and Tim and Beau and finally Coby and Heike came over
to help us and I ended up eating ice cream in the bathroom after everyone
had left. It is summer south of the equator, the sun crosses the northern
sky, here it was sunny and lassitude ruled. |