unforbidden fruit

Picture of the Day
yesterday | today tomorrow

September 26, 2001

covert ops with anna
                                            and dave
...waitress's first day, sugarpine cafe...bill chopper pilot supports the grid...hotelkeeper drunk in cedarville...

We take our time rolling out of Bend motel, History Channel documentary on KGB shows Prague 1968, when history was still being made in black and white film stock--fire white, smoke black, faces ashen grey. I look for my mother's face in the cobblestone-hurling crowds but everything moves too fast, the mob has but one face.

In Dave's favorite military surplus shop, history is being made a different way: NBC affiliate has a digicam crew there, asking questions at the counter. "When are you getting your next shipment of gas masks in?" Covering the survivalist beat. The mountains and wide open spaces of Southeast Oregon feel safe, nothing screams target, but then every place you go has its secrets.