it's embarrassing but true to say this
was my fourth attempt
at photographing this tattoo and i still
didn't get it right. feel free
to use yr. imagination to fill in the missing
We were standing on the
foundry patio in the sun, red railing brilliant in
foretaste of summer, Josh on eggs inside--his
bi-weekly open studio brunch. Usually gets a good
crowd, a nice mixed bunch. Bradley had just
finished improvising a humdinger of a ditty about
a dreaming dog. Jim hit the scat full swing w/
eyes closed. We discussed the pros and cons of
instruments, agreed what's best is what y're born
with should the day come y're locked up on some
flimsy pretext. A new song: Aw, this cell
isn't so small--I've been locked in my body all
along. Which is really just an echo of Brent Lachapelle's poem,
recited to me at my first Burning Man. It's coming
up again, and I think its chief strength is the
attention it bears on the cycle, another travel
around the sun. It's a powerful ritual, stronger
than the commercialized holidays that all blend
together in a cascade of commercials and window
displays. Maybe I'm just getting older, but the BMs
seem to be coming faster. The sense is of a circle
tightening, heightening awareness of birth/death
cycle which consumer mindtrap lie of cancerous
grow-at-all-costs economy seeks to override. So a
lifted shirt to reveal FREEDOM tattoo fit just
right and gave a glimmer of hope in face of
headlines saying a shadow government of 90
unelected officials is already in place
should DC be atomized. |