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June 24, 2002

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my philosophy: ssslllooowww

I've been obsessed by silkscreening ever since the kind and affable Greg Lundgren showed me the way.

Yesterday, I set up on the street at Fremont Fair and printed the shirts right off people's backs. One woman put her leg up for a "screw yr. car" without even taking off her jeans. Tonight, Brian (left), Ed, and Solveig came over for another round of printing--mostly SLOWs with a few POD naked cam-man logos thrown in for good measure.

If you're in Seattle and would like to learn, check the calendar at thinksmall.org for dates of upcoming workshops. Otherwise, be sure to visit Camp Silkscreen at Burning Man this year--I'll provide the suppliez, you create the designz.

You can also order custom-printed t-shirts thisaway.

courtesy of adbusters.org

by scott cocking

great for shirtbacks!

screw yr. car by zverina