Independence Day is my new favorite holiday. I mean, freedom--what
a concept! Toppling repressive regimes! Declaring your
right to say and worship
whatever you want! That's good stuff. It's also the least consumer of holidays.
The whole idea is to get out, hang with your neighbors, and share food. The
streets were alive here in Fremont with people heading to Gasworks Park to
watch the fireworks--a hell of a lot better way to expend gunpowder and
phosphorous than
dropping bombs
on civilian populations, which is what our alleged representatives in
Washington DC continue to support. The rallying cry of this country's revolution
was "Taxation without Representation!" Well, I would like to see more of
my tax dollar go to health care, education, and public transit, less on corporate
bailouts and imperial expansion. It's like Michael Moore said when I saw
him speak here in Seattle on April 22 2002--big government isn't all bad,
but it should serve the needs of the people, not merely promote the interests
of the ruling class. And that's never going to happen until we get
campaign finance
reform. For now, the United States House, Senate, and Executive Branch
remain the best government money can buy, using fear as a lever to subvert
Constitution and justify abuses of the power granted them by the
people. |