
Picture of the Day
yesterday | today tomorrow

August 1, 2002


the best advice a teacher ever gave me was this: MAKE MISTAKES.
that's what bill vaegemast told me when he taught me to weld on the
Kalakala two years back. now i've started landscaping. not much experience
but i don't sweat it--just go with the situation, stay present, do my best. what
could go wrong picking up 3/4 yard of quarter minus gravel? took a wrong
turn, rolled onto scale premature, had to borrow a shovel. small errors. 960 lbs.
of rock later and i'm on the road, express lanes take me past traffic, out of sight

of Blue Angels buzzing the city, into the belly of I-5 bridge over
Lake Union. It's alimentary, my dear, and when it poops me out
at 70th and Lake City Way, I smile, smile, smile, cz the only
mistake is not trying...