the argus photo phazer phailed again,
this time deleting oh-so-cute shots of steven's puppy on the table outside
of malena's taco stand on queen anne, the sun out, the dog's eyes, the painted
sign. i try to remember as best i can.
last week i was pretty stoked on demolition. today,
it started to feel a bit like repetition, another floor, popping boards.
but i was calm and happy, nice view out the windows, manipulating the grizzly
bar, methodical, i pulled the old nails with the snippers, then stacked the
boards by length, wrapping them with duct tape, carried them around outside,
where steven handed them down to me through the basement window.
i think how happy i am working at this simple task.
makes me see how people are capable of anything--building skyscrapers or
deathcamps, everyone wants a purpose, a mission, just tell us what to do
and point us in the right direction. following orders is easy... |
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