
Picture of the Day
yesterday | today tomorrow

December 21, 2002

all that's left after 44 delectable images deleted - a withered tree destined for the trash heap that's it. i've had it with my Argus Photo Phailure. I mean Phazer.
It's a toy, a novelty, anything but a camera.
This is the third time I've lost a session of photos
from its internal memory due to a momentary power loss--
losses which occur with disheartening frequency because of its shoddy assembly.
what i lost: photos of the bland excesses of a corporate lawyer's xmas party;
arty lightbulb pix of alyssa and jesse's new blacksmith/woodshop/rockout space;
Kristina's smiling face on a subfreezing sunny northeast Minnapolis morning,
mile-long freight in the background; reflections in matchbox cafe glasstable,
matchsticks and naked winter tree limbs comingling oh so prettily;
and other never-to-be-repeated glimpses of light and shadow, the veil of reality.
i was really upset when the camera beeped feebly and the counter reset to zero,
indicating that all had been lost. but then, i questioned why i was so upset.
mainly, i guess, i like to have my curiosity satisfied, and now i'll never know
how those shots turned out. fuck, i said again and again, having to restrain myself
from flinging the "camera" against a wall. i thought how nice its smashed parts would look
scanned and posted here, but that kind of wastefulness is not my style, so i snapped
this consolation pic in the garage after picking up the kids' surprise present w/ jim.
i tried to look at the virtual loss--after all, it was just information, algorithms recording
color and coordinates for close to a million pixels, or data points--in a positive light.
i scrounged around for transparent tape to practice tapelift technique jesse showed me,
but in the room at my sister's house where i thought it would be, i found nothing
but an electric slot car track which sarah and i set up and played with until it was time for bed.

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