i've been having really vivid dreams
lately, but i've been too lazy to rouse
myself to write them down. too lazy.
last night it was something about mind
control. in it, it was the explanation for
most Americans' apathy. too apathetic to
read, learn, share, volunteer, care,
conserve. too lazy for everything but
earn, spend, and watch TV.
maybe that's unfair, but, like i said, it
was just a dream.
not unexpected after staying up late to
finish Michael Moore's
Stupid White Men in one sitting.
i've been working (mentally,
at least) on a list of new year's
re[v]olutions which i'll convert
to .pdf and post here on new year's day.
it's going to be a
to-do list good for any day in 2003. i'll
print it on some-
thing that looks like money, to be carried
in wallet and
left with tips. on it will be simple
actions (volunteer one
day a month, watch less tv, etc.--your
are welcome) which i hope will help
connect us to
each other better. on that list as of now
will be
reading this book. in it, michael moore
who's who in the 2000 U.S. coup and other
problems facing the USA. it's a scorcher.
anyone could read this and not be moved to
action is beyond me. unless, of course,
there's something to the mind control