Got this poster in the mail from
Lundgren. He is an inspiration. Positive and proactive, his credo is
"100% all the time."
Cell Phones
Aside from the
effects on individual users, cell phones undermine community. Though
their ostensible purpose is to connect people with each other, cell phones
tend to exclude other humans not in one's programmed phonebook. Maniacs walk
down the street yammering into their portable microwave transmitters, meanwhile
ignoring the real present people around them. Cell phones are a screen, an
excuse not to see.
Not only is TV viewing inherently antisocial (even when people watch together
their attention is focused on the tube), but it is literally, physically
bad for you. The one book which most affected my direction in life is
Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television.
Find it at your local library. If they don't have it, politely insist that
they order it. The issue of television is not content (watching the news
or documentaries is no better than watching soap operas or cartoons),
but how the act of watching itself affects your body and cognitive
abilities. A simple start to reducing TV viewing is by draping a decorative
sheet over your TV. This barrier closes the all-seen eye and adds a deliberate
step between you and the on-switch. Think before you get sucked in again.
Make every week TV turn-off
Other books on the subject.
SUV once stood for Sport Utility Vehicle, but since most owners use them
for neither activity, those initials have come to stand for Selfish Urban
Vanity. These "off-road" vehicles should be taken off the road, their seats
removed and used in new public theaters and reading rooms, the shells shipped
overseas to provide housing for refugees and those made homeless by military
aggression designed to secure oil supply lines. The
popularity of SUVs is the result of
systemic manipulations. Still, there is hope as awareness
builds and converts like
Huffington and
organizations come
out swinging in defense of the environment and common sense.
Now, before I get too high up on my high horse, let me say that I sometimes
borrow friends' cell phones (very convenient!), rent cars for roadtrips,
and enjoy an occasional
Simpsons episode outside
the home. My point here and with other similar pages is that these technologies
need to be viewed with great skepticism and used minimally. They are vices.
Also, if you're going to buy something, anything, buy used (hygiene products
excepted). "Won't that bring the global economy to a halt? Won't we all starve
if we don't keep mass producing crap?" No. The transition will be gradual
and we as a species will adapt. Change starts with you. Finally: Your
new car is not cool. Your new phone is not cool. Your big screen TV belies
the size of the hole in your soul. |