understand this: people standing 8 feet from the
one and only speaker were able to converse normally, so the music was not
that loud. and even if it were, this was noon in an industrial zone
at an art space with no noise restrictions. john murphy, an upstairs neighbor
who sports a NO IRAQ WAR sticker on his car, without a word of warning or
attempt at diplomacy, unleashed a minutes-long barrage of wood shavings on
the dj station. luckily, an umbrella was at hand, and so was a microphone:
I don't know if it was the public shaming or host Dave's informing Mr. Murphy
that he was committing assault, but the terrorism finally stopped. i find
it ironic that a self-styled peace advocate would be so inept at conflict
resolution. |
A belligerent neighbor rains symbolic death on all that is good. photo
by ed shively.
This is the situation: neighbor fight neighbor. War sickness is
cellular. |