got my dream life back. curled up
in my
doubleseat at sunset, slept like a flapjack
--turning over every so often--till sunup
backlit trees moving by in slow ascent of
northern california mountain pass. i feel
a lot more balanced after a good night's sleep
and a day of naps. not much talking, drying
out after a week of semi-professional drinking.
in my dreams, bukowski backs a step van into
a muddy pond and drives it out again--i think
he was rescuing a dog. a beautiful woman in
tight dress from my past woos me before be-
fore going off to meet MC Ricky D. I pick up
a bass and play along with The Fall; gonna
ride my bike to Chop Suey to hear some bands
i know. the dreams hint at poetry, sex, music.
they don't mean much on their own, i suppose,
but remembering them is like a reunion
with an old forgiving friend.
i wake up feeling hope.