Thea was my first Prague contact, way back in September 1994, we had both just gotten here and were put in touch by my college freshman year roommate jeff. the thing i most remember about that was the night we drank too much red wine on my balcony and fell out of our chairs. today we met for lunch at Dahab, middle eastern food, really great, the most green and spices i've eaten since i got here april 6. my body thanked me by requesting a nap by the river, on the grass, with a lot of shirtless people, my pale white feet. honza had something for me so i went to his workshop in dejvice. his clock business is about to take off with an exhibition next month for which he's already pre-sold the whole show. after a walk on petrin hill, again with a lot of sitting down, met some friends of a friend in a pub, plenty of beer and outrageous conversation (was it slang or too fast?--either way i only caught the basic gists, not the subtler points which had everybody laughing more than i've seen people laugh since the last time i saw so much laughter, which must've been around the time of college when my friends and i were often addled). it was ok to not understand. cigarettes (speki) were rolled and passed, i drew ants on coasters, nonverbal communication, there are many ways of rubbing antennae. |