prague is full of dogs. it is a hilly place, so the piss runs
in streaks. the shit is generally left where it sits until it crumbles and
blows away. i was "pulling an elephant" (hungover) all day thanks to late
late night celebrating zuzana's graduation. she went home relatively early
but her friends and i hung on until we could drink no more and then had one
for the road, which in my case meant a long squiggly walk until luck of luck
i found my stop one minute before the infrequent night tram got there. 4
hours later, i woke up one minute before phone alarm clock and dragged myself
(with elephant) to a meeting with an accountant. then it was to the hall
of records to see about my chances of gaining czech citizenship--turns out
they're pretty good. it doesn't matter where you were born so long as your
parents were czech citizens, which mine were. all that matters is the blood,
according to a law from 1811.
<< my friend here found his place in the sun at
planeta internet cafe,
my link to you and the wwworld. i was looking for an open terminal when
me and my elephant were startled to stumble over this little critter. sorry,
i said. he ran back to his master as if to ask, what the fuck? did you see
that schmuck? by the look on his face when i was leaving and took this picture,
he was still holding a grudge. |