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March 24, 2005

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The Factums are
(in alphabetical order)
Matthew Ford, Jesse Paul
, and Dan Strack. They
played their third live show to-
night at the Rendezvous Jewel
 Box Theater
, one of the coolest
venues in Seattle. It's a 1920s movie
house--which made it especially
 well-suited to Brent Watanabe's
   accompanying mixed-live layered
projections, which have a hallucinatory,
timeless feel. The Factums' music has been
called both art punk and swamp rock, but
tonight it felt more like a blast from the psych-
  edelic past, a deja vu flashback of swirling
guitars and pedal effects. Definitely a departure
from their first two shows, it's nice to hear a band
developing and taking chances. The music came
in waves, with a huge breaker crashing open the
set, then a lull as the waters receded and gained
strength for the big finish. The combination of
 music, visuals, and booze had everyone pretty
well blissed. And a melting amp in the middle of
the set provided an appropriate apocalyptic stench.
The show was part of Wall of Sound's ongoing con-
cert series, a real nucleus of Seattle's musical family.
After a slightly disheartening day at work, it was nice
                                        to kick it all night with friends.