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Picture of the Day
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July 18, 2009

Today marks the start of regular light rail
service in Seattle
. It's a big step towards
making Seattle a world-class city. How
many more steps remain remains to be
seen. Less cars, more transit, designated
bus lanes and bike-only roadways will help.
It was uncanny riding a smooth almost silent
high-speed conveyance to neighborhoods
which heretofore had seemed so distant.

It was gratifying to see something done right.

The celebration was muted in my mind, though.
100 years ago, Seattle was criss-crossed by a web
of electric trolleys
. These lines were colluded out
of business
by automakers and their allies in oil and
rubber. Today's stride forward is really more a step
back to a saner way of structuring movement of
people through cities. I'm grateful for that, at least. 

On June 9 I predicted I'd ride on Day One whether
or not I had anywhere I needed to be. The funny
thing is, Sarah and I both had places to go and LRT
made getting there quick & easy. It actually works.