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July 15, 2010

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saucy vixen The best way to run errands is by biking them. Sunny but not too hot, I made a big loop from Fremont to U. District to Eastlake to Downtown to Ballard via Elliott Bay/T-91 trails and Locks, then out to Golden Gardens for a quick plunge before bringing it on back home. Summer biking is great--sandals, bathing suit, guayabera. Someone warned me about a motorcycle cop on Dexter ticketing cyclists for not wearing helmets. The SPD has screwy priorities.

The nicest thing about owning a projector is sharing it with friends at weekly movie night. Last week, 15 people came over but almost no one brought beer. This week 10 came and overcompensated for last week's lack. Even so, we made a pretty good dent in it while watching Music Is the Weapon and Rockers.

Life is good. Thank you, friends!
more beer