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Picture of the Day

June 23, 2012


A pianola is an instrument that
plays perforated rolls; it's also
known as a player piano. You
see them in movies set in
the "wild west." It's amusing
when the seeming pianist is
shot yet the music continues
tinkling along, the keys going
up and down as if played by
the newly departed's ghost.
Even before cowboys rode
American southwest range,
Spanish vaqueros, known
locally as paniolos (derived
from espaņol), plied their
trade on Maui, where you
still see them on horseback
giddy-upping and all that.
The history of Hawai'i is as
mixed up as anywhere else--
and probably more so being
at crossroads of the Pacific--
so it was only fitting we were
invited to a party at a working ranch where
the theme was Gay Cowboys and Indians,
the latter referring to the inhabitants of
the world's most populous democracy.
Chaps, boas, bindis and more abounded
in peculiar combinations. The rustic
structures, ornate wood stoves, and
RYO smokes took us back in time, a
journey for which we could've had no
better guide than Brooke Mahnken.