Admitting that humans went to the moon,
isn't it amazing to consider that your
is magnitudes more powerful than the
26-pound computer
they crammed into the lunar landing capsule?
Since July
20, 1969,
technology and its unintended consequences
have multiplied faster
than all but the most
seemingly-insane-at-the-time could have
And guess what--it's just begun! No matter
how au courant I'd like to be I
I know I'm falling behind the inexorable
march of progress. Nostalgia itself
is becoming obsolete. The past has no value.
Snowboarding is an Olympic
event. Could surfing and skateboarding be
far behind? Those sports exemplify the
trend towards forgetting what came before,
both long and short term. Break a limb?
Skate on! Miss that wave? Here comes another
one! Some people still rent landlines
with rotary dials and that is fine; I myself
know how to enjoy that. But there's no deny-
ing change is accelerating and it's probably
best to roll with it (without forgetting the
So anyway, all this is just to say Neil
Armstrong died today. He goes down big
in history for
saying, "That's one small step for [a] man,
one giant leap for mankind." There's more I
say about that but I already have
elsewhere, so if you're interested in
moon landing trivia you
should waste no time downloading my novella,
An Unauthorized Autobiography.
to the funny rules at smashwords, the
adjacent image of WASPy humans waving hello
theoretical aliens was censored from my
manuscript even though it was approved by
NASA long ago as an
exercise in wishful thinking designed to
bring extraterrestrials
to our home. Maybe the conquerors will
be friendly this time, pothead optimist Carl
Sagan postulated. Maybe he was right and
they're already here, doing their bestest
to steer us back on course to rotary dial
telephones and 3 channels to choose from.
Anyway, smashwords censored this.
That's their right and I don't deny them.
It's just
funny that the rest of the universe can be
exposed to this scandalous image but not
people who download
my book. Well, hopefully you'll see it
in print someday. Try