I'm writing about this day almost two months after
the fact so I don't remember exactly why I took
old reliable Canon S200 off dusty museum shelf of
all past cameras, but I brought it to work and had
a chance to relive old times, never letting my
left hand (steadying then directing a heavy limb
to crash to hillside) know what my right hand was
doing (shooting this film).
Then back at home in wet evening I went to alley
in search of Miso
where there was just enough rain to make this
streetlight puddle reflection interesting.
Something about the results please me in a way
that iPhone and Canon D10 can't. The difference
lies in the very definition of je ne sais quoi.
I love the color saturation. The low resolution (320x240)
and 30-second time limit are big pluses because
they keep things small.