Perfect day for a long walk. Made it
to Vermillion
in 80 minutes flat via scenic
route. Coulda been quicker but dallied
taking pictures.
I remember when 520
was choke with cars, but since they put a
toll on the bridge much traffic
evaporated. It got me thinking about the farce
that is Seattle's own $4.2B
Big Dig-style toll tunnel. Pure boondoggle,
it's an utter waste of resources only to
encourage a behavior--driving--which isn't good
for a dense urban area. It will have monstrous
environmental impacts--all that concrete
and thousands of truckloads of spoils--just
to create a pointless 2-mile tunnel from nowhere
to nowhere which few will use because--here's a
shocker--people go
out of their way to avoid paying tolls.
Anyway, I arrived hot and sweaty at John
Boylan's Trash conversation. But to me
"trash" sounds irredeemable. I prefer "waste"
because that implies there's a choice we make
every time we throw something away. And isn't it better not to waste?