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Picture of the Day

  June 2, 2014

Got up early for 2-hour drive to 9 a.m. Wailuku dental appointment.
No other cars on the road at 7 but I did run into some congestion
around mile marker 32, scores of cattle milling on the Pi'ilani
--what passes for Monday morning rush hour in Kaupo.
Taking a break from errands in Kahului I noticed Alex/Max stopped
behind me at a red light on Hana Hwy. "Where you going?" I yelled.
"I don't know. Where are you going?" "Pa'ia Bay!" "OK. Me, too!"
Later, a pickup truck followed me into Down to Earth parking lot.
It was my Kaupo neigbor Josh just saying hello. Chance encounters
make a place feel like home and Maui is getting smaller by the second.
                   In Seattle it used to happen on the sidewalk, bus, or in bars.
                   Here the action is on the road, beaches, and in parking lots.