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Picture of the Day

June 17, 2016


From time to time I work on Vashon, a rather rural island just west of Seattle. Catching the last west-bound passenger boat of the morning at 7:40 was a reach for me but I'm glad I toughed it out, despite the buzzkill of having an alarm break up my dreams. It was a glorious morning, clear skies and glassy water so I geeked out with cameras for the whole 22-minute passage. I was supposed to stain a deck and railing today, but the weather turned so I headed back to Seattle in a borrowed motor vehicle, enjoyed the back roads scenic route and then laughed at Seattle's best attempts to infuriate me with its horrible drivers--though it did make me think if I could have just one superpower it would be to revoke licenses at will. Speaking of the urban mess (and how to fix it), tonight we enjoyed Brett Hamil's The Seattle Process, a bimonthly live talk show at Northwest Film Forum. It's funny and informative. Tonight even featured a bit of Dada by Travis Vogt, who gave a spirited reading of google-garbled hate mail sent to guest Pramila Jayapal, who everyone should vote for.