Make no mistake, we're in a fight for our lives
now, and that's no exaggeration. The oil people
have taken over the government by barely legal
means (just enough gerrymandering and voter
suppression to move the needle into the red) and
they're on a mission to wring every last penny out
of fossil fuel extraction, including drilling,
mining, fracking, and pipelining across previously
protected lands. To do so, they will criminalize
all forms of protest, which will be called
terrorism, including basic press freedoms. The
country is rapidly moving towards lockdown and the
current administration, which has represented a
kinder, gentler form of oppression, is working to
ensure a smooth transition. What can't be achieved
through official channels will be abetted by
mercenaries, vigilantes, and self-proclaimed
militias as the government turns a blind eye.
Any hope of mitigating the
effects of climate change is lost, thanks largely
to a corporate media that didn't want to rock the
boat by addressing the issue during the campaign.
There's a hundred other things wrong with the
coming administration of status quo corporatism on
steroids, but the environment is the foundation on
which all the rest sits, so it comes down to a
question of which will kill us first. Climate
change? An itchy finger on the button? Political
purges? Civil unrest? Economic depression? How
about a military alliance with Russia to make the
world safe for fossil fuels again? Anything is
possible now. The USA has a deathwish and will
gleefully pull the rest of the world down with it.
People talk about individually leaving the
country, but I'd rather stay where I am and merely
cut the strings to the other Washington. This
country is its Constitution. When that goes,
it's time
to secede. Prepare to fight. |