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May 12, 2018

it's a little early to call it but today felt like the first day of summer.
i spent the day in jeans and longsleeves putting finishing touches on a 12'x46'
deck i've been building. it was hot! luckily, igor had the prescription
 for beating the heat so we packed up the dogs and a couple of SUPs
 and headed for nearby Lake Ki, warmed up enough for a couple of
 swims--the first of the year! speaking of firsts, there was a woman
trying paddleboarding for the first time and she wasn't messing
around--took her dog out, complete with tiny doggie lifevest.
 after that, a bit more work, then off to cedar stump, which
blew my mind by having a smoking section--any outdoor
 table downwind of the firepit. that's snohomish county
for you! i've said it before--getting out of seattle
 is like going back in time. i'm looking forward
to summer--jobs already lined up on Orcas Is.,
Belfair, and the Methow Valley, not to mention
a bunch of local gigs, most
of them outdoors.

i've been getting a lot of satisfaction
from the "day job." i can never tell if i'm improving
as a "creative"--often i feel i've gone stale--but each
day spent working makes me a more capable builder.
tools are like any other instrument--one improves with practice.
also, doing all kinds of different projects requires observation and problem-solving,
all of which expands the toolkit, figuratively and literally. (just look at this!) the world is on fire
and the future is more precarious than ever, but for now i'm keeping my head down, working on what i can.