Normalization is
insidious but understandable. People get
used to anything, whether it's background
or the
creeping rot of
a corrupt government
sends kids to
concentration camps. Closer to home,
been getting by
with inadequate toolbelts for years. I had
one that wasn't much bigger than a fanny
and it wasn't bad, but it was a
little small. I recently upgraded to a
larger one, but it
weighed heavy on my waist and its
capacious pockets gaped,
which made
tools fall out when I crouched, an
inevitable posture
in the course of
construction. So I finally
bought some suspenders
and today I cinched
one of the bags with a fender washer and a
rivet. What a relief! How
did I live with it so long the way it was?
Now to
that government...