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Picture of the Day
January 21, 2019



  First totally free-form day off
since arriving two weeks ago.
Sunny and cold, I tromped into
the woods, not the first creature
to pass this way since the snow.
With open water when we got
here, the swamp is now frozen
solid, a brilliant flatscape dotted
with snags. No one's quite sure
why the trees all died--might've
been a blight, or more likely the
area had been drained once then
flooded again for some reason.



I was bundled up OK but kept
removing my gloves to take
pictures with one of the three
cameras I had on me, a process
complicated by having to share
one SD card between two of them.
A nylon hunting blind promised
respite from the rime; armed with
just a nip of port, the only thing I
was gunning for was a good time.
Inside it was soothingly dark and
quiet, almost completely silent but
for subtle jet rumble high in the sky.