longer when you slow down. not a
new idea but it's rare i get a chance
to live it. today at strawbale i
prepared breakfast--slow-cooked
potatoes, brussels sprouts, and
omelettes. that itself is saying
something--who has 45 minutes before
the day is even started? normally i
don't, but "normally" is another word
for your time's been sold. or maybe
your soul's been timed down to split
second? we watched
birds feed, wondered if they
ever get cold feet. here
comes the polar vortex, last gasp of melting
ice caps. slow it down, please!
then we had class,
agreed to just one
hour of putting what we learned
into practice. six
hours later, i still wasn't
finished and didn't want to put down
my project, but my body was hurting
from hunching and gripping knives too
tightly. living in the moment, we
become cats, kind
of oblivious...