forgot to leave gate open for Ray the satellite internet
installer so when sunup woke me at 6:30 i walked
the .666 mile or so down to the entrance, a
brilliant morning, the often tumultuous channel
flat and calm, currents visible on the glassy
surface, clouds
reflecting, even a couple of boat wakes on
waters usually too hazardous for small craft. it's
a 600 foot elevation
gain to my cabin and i huffed and wheezed as
i quickly gave up on jogging the steep
concrete strips,
pulse pounding at 140 bpm. man, these goats make
it look so easy. and they're not the only animals
keeping me company-- charking
(chirp + bark) deer woke me last
night, birds bathed me in song
on the walk down. grunting pigs thrash in the
bush, the same rooster crows
like clockwork every 3 a.m., hatchlings peep as
they scratch, and a
drooling cat purrs me to sleep.