having a dedicated workspace has
been really helpful to editing OAC.
first time i've had an extra special
studio for artistic focusing unless
you count amtrak roomettes, off-grid
maui trailer, remote BC cabin, tiny
czech village, various states of mind.
i guess part of arting is being able
shut out the rest of the stupid world.
stupid is not an insult, it's just
hand for how we lose touch when we
subscribe to rote repetitions.
requires a suspension of disbelief,
imagination run wild in a pillow fort.
my ritual of the moment is to 8 bus
to yesler and 27th, then walk through
frink park, so overgrown and lush, a
forgotten corner of this planned yet
thoughtless city. i further detach by
stepping aboard my bucket of a boat,
one of the happiest places i've known.
there i am free to build a new
not better nor worse per se, but one
that operates on its own internal
everything else has become too much. |