Some cities are concrete jungles; Philly is more of
an asphalt swamp, oppressively humid and hot. Had
the day more or less off except for continuing
scavenger hunt for the last missing 3/4" pipe
fittings to finish the portable shrine. Shortages abound, and it's
taken many visits to various places to get this
far. Luckily, the Blue and Orange are within
walking distance, so I paced myself, lingered in the
shadows of I-95
overpass en route to Lowe's, which provided a
couple more pieces of the puzzle, then took the edge
off the heat with a boozy slushee, sipped in
sparse shade of spindly parking lot tree at Home
Depot as I watched the irresolute
perambulations of an elderly
couple in outdoor nursery who exhibited the
intimate disinterest common to old marrieds,
drifting apart, browsing separately, but ultimately
reuniting to depart as one.