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Picture of the Day
December 25, 2021

spacer is this brutalist? brand new U district lightrail station where already half the escalators are out of service. we scored the last 2 tickets to limited seating for tonight's 75th anniversary IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE 35mm screening at ye olde grand illusion, who've shown it annually since they opened in 1971. before the show, i went back out for candy around the corner where a volatile man was screaming up and down the block. he sounded angry as he kicked over scooters, pylons, and barricades, punctuating his rampage with hoarse shouts of, "I LOVE YOU! MERRY CHRISTMAS" [smash!] "I LOOOOOVE YOU. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!" an even more deranged version of george bailey, whose bitterness, rage, and despair are what make IAWL
such a heartwarming
holiday classic!