is this what a return to normal looks
like? when it comes to Covid, i lost the plot long
ago. "trust the science," they say, but policy has
often seemed arbitrary and rife with reversals
vis-a-vis best practices, influenced by social and
economic factors besides health outcomes. which is
understandable; we can't live in limbo forever and
with no path to eradicating the virus, at
some point we have to accept the risks and get on
with life. i'm not eager to frequent crowded
public places, but i am ok with taking mass transit to house parties
with known quantities, such as this mid-size
birthday bash for Kelly
Blanchard. basement shows are one of the
last vestiges of Old Seattle and this was my first
since the Before. (i was bummed to miss secret A Frames reunion
last month because i was on Maui.) Blue Star
Creeper played at polite volume for the most
part but sounded best when they got loud towards
the end and i could feel the music vibrating in my
chest. long live rock!