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Picture of the Day
July 7, 2022

the treehouse at rockland woods will be a fully plumbed,
electrified, and climate controlled studio apartment with a
wide wraparound deck and birdsnest view of the forest. the
open plan interior will be wood paneling instead of drywall,
so requires underlaid foil membrane to act as a firebreak in
place of the sheetrock (a prime function of which is to resist
flame). stapling it up was not a glorious job, but every task
is important in construction, has its own dignity and requires
consideration, such as in this case taking care to mark on the
floor the placement of all studs and utilities before they were
covered up. in this biz, one must always think ahead. or two.
shawn landis (right) is the "land" in Rockland Woods and his
partner jodi rockwell is the "rock." i've been pitching in here
for five years and it's shocking yet utterly predictable to see
their son cash (left) grown so tall. and shawn is not small.