you know
it's an irksome task if you'd rather procrastinate
by pumping gunky brown water out of a cistern. (the first
150 gallons of rain catchment was tainted by residue from
when i demossified the woodshop roof.) at long
last i found
a use for that lonesome
sawhorse i
got at goodwill--clamped
a short
garden hose to it so discharge shot past the
entry area, a
beguiling braid of liquid gold, it
generated a mountain
of foam.
fun! but then i had to spend rest of the day waterproofing and
flashing the legacy leaks on north side of the
house. finally
finished at dusk. now all that's left is to cut,
paint, and hang
fresh trim from salvaged cedar fenceboards and
the carefully removed siding. but that's just
icing on the
cake. the biggest move lately was getting the porch
wired, fulfilling one of the only design aspirations
i had:
red and green bulbs for a nautical touch. if this
house were
a boat, it would be the Ship of
Theseus, replaced bit by bit.