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Picture of the Day
May 26, 2024

randy goldfarby is a character invented
by jesse miller, a mock andy goldsworthy
persona to whom we attribute facile art
which purports to engage with nature.
the real andy goldsworthy is admirable,
though, and i ripped off one of his tricks
here by lying down in thin drizzle, letting
it draw my silhouette on the asphalt. it's
how i feel at times--an ephemeral outline.
sunday jam used to be the axis around
which my week revolved but now, like
this self-portrait, i'm more absence
than presence... so i'm glad i made it
out today. after the usual parking lot
catchup, matt treated us to a screening
of silent home movies from his PNW
childhood, which included his musician
origin story
, harrowing war footage, and
the mundane traumas of a '70s upbringing.
it was good to be back among 4Shadows...
and then I evaporated into the ether again.
