shopping for a wedding card
at red balloon company, business
brisk on a saturday afternoon, the
helium tanks arrayed but i had to
wonder if they're pumping some
other gas into the atmosphere for
we lingered as if in a daze, doped
on consumer buzz, shopping is the
ultimate drug, we giggled at trifles
as we fondled
all the merchandise.
finally settled on a pop-up card w/
push-button birdsong for $16.95.
then went next door to rainbow for
a vial of vitamin D drops for about
the same price, to boost immunity
on coming cross-country train trip
to minnesota and wisconsin. from
there, short walk to ruckus for cbd
candy and other sleep potions to
knock us out on the 42-hour ride.
last stop on this one-block radius
retail circuit was penultimate day
of Shop Rite,
where 70% closeout
brought the prices down to almost
within reason--but not quite. still,
i'm gonna miss that place because
is our way of life. |