apocalyptic forecast of dire weather--lightning!
2" hail! tornado?--
the day started partly sunny and mild, the
proverbial calm before the storm.
as i was putting finishing touches on building a
rolling garden gate,
sarah, on her way back from seattle, called to say
there'd been an orca
sighting near belfair. so of course i dropped
everything and went out
to the spit, where other locals were already glued
to their binoculars.
one of our neighbors pointed out there was a kayak
up for grabs,
tethered to a mooring ball where it's sat all
winter after it was found
adrift. after confirming with owner that it was ok
to take, i
donned wetsuit and set out, thinking it was
reasonably close.
but once i got in and
started swimming, it seemed pretty far off.
the water was flat and a relatively warm 58F,
but i'm way out of shape
and doubts started creeping in, even that
first distant whisper of panic--
am i gonna make it? relax, i told
myself, nothing to do now but take it
one stroke at a time, no need to rush. i settled
into an easy rhythm and
enjoyed the rest of the swim. when i finally got
there it turned out
not to be a kayak but a hollow plastic standup
paddle board. ok,
good enough! paddling prone with arms spread
wide was exhausting
but gratifying, more of a workout than
i'ver had in months, all of it a
nice reminder to focus on what's within control
vs. succumbing to dread.