Please support PoD--subscribe or donate one time.
NEW! Quick and easy link: https://www.paypal.me/PictureoftheDay
Picture of the Day launched on
January 24, 1998. I hope to
never stop. I do this site for a variety of reasons, but
money is
not one of them. However, it sure does come in handy.
And I wouldn't be asking if I didn't need to.
This site always was and always will be ad-free.
Your interest and generosity is what keeps it going.
Note: payments go to "Digital Documentarian"--that's me!
Or make a one-time donation directly via paypal.
Paypal to robert (at) zverina (dot) com
Donate $100 or more and get this gift:

Don't Waste Words is a professionally
printed 32-page book
of PoD screenshots selected for their poetic thrust.
Order here or receive as a
gift when you donate $100 or more.
Paypal to robert (at) zverina (dot) com
Or mail funds to:
Robert Zverina
409 16th Ave E, #3
Seattle WA 98112 USA
