i can't deny i've contemplated
suicide at least one hundred
thousand times but now i don't wanna die
what can i say i've always lived from
day to day just wishing life would
go away love seemed to me so gay
and tho i was never so fond of emotion
you found my heart and rubbed on calamine lotion you've changed the way that i write my name you've changed the way that i write my name you've changed the way that i write my name you've changed the way that i write
the beast emerged but where were you?
not in the herd not two by two but
on an island waiting to be found
yet i survived but barely could i
dot my I's or cross my Ts
you know that handwriting analysis
it got me down
spent my life trying to relieve the pain
until you doused me with your can of Solarcaine® you've changed the way that i write my name you've changed...
my Js resemble a phallic symbol
my Os double-knotted tho my fingers ain't nimble
my Hs and Ns have never been the same
ever since you changed the way that I write my name you've changed the way that i write my name you've changed...
i'm gonna scream it till my voice becomes sore you've changed
because i've never felt this feeling before you've changed
ever since you put your foot through my door you've changed
they won't cash my checks anymore you've changed the way that i write my name you've changed...