I've shot 23,000 photographs with my Kodak DC210 digital camera since I bought it at a Manhattan Comp USA on December 7, 1997. A fraction of these have appeared at Picture of the Day. The bulk have overflowed my hard drive and reside now as binary phantoms on backup CD-Rs. I'm putting together CD-ROMs of these rejects, about 5,000 images per disc. The CD-ROMs will include screensavers and the handy Irfan viewer so you can customize your own slideshow from the scads of uncensored pictures which form a strange staccato record of an improvised life. I'll be selling these unique and beautiful works of 21st century art for about $15 a pop. You can reserve a copy today. Based on how much work it took to create the handful of John King CDs I've sold so far, the run will be limited. The choice is yours:
Yes, I am so interested that I am sending you this email to express my interest.
Thank you. Really.