Catalog of Books Reviewed at altErnabook, filed
by author last name.
New titles are being added occasionally.
Hoffman, Abbie
Steal This Urine Test
ISBN: 0140104003
You want me to pee in a cup? No thanks. America's most colorful dissident
shows you how and why not to knuckle under to authority.
Kaiser, Charles
The Gay Metropolis ISBN:
A witty, insightful, anecdotal and delightful history of gay life in New
York City (and by extension, the world) from 1940-1996. Scholars will dig
the history, gossips will exult in learning who was doing whom. You don't
have to be gay to read it, though it might make you wish you were if you're
Kelley, Kevin
The Home Planet ISBN:
Beautiful coffee table book of Earth photographs taken from outer
space interlaced with poignant and poetic commentary from astronauts of 18
Kesey, Ken
The Further Inquiry ISBN:
The print equivalent of a very good trip--Kesey's psychedelic cross-country
journey in the original magic bus Further. Fullblown color throughout.
Klein, Kelly
Underworld ISBN:
Classy coffee table book of a century's worth of photographs by the famous,
infamous, and anonymous maps the human landscape in surprising and delightful
McCluhan, Marshall
The Medium Is The Massage
ISBN: 188886902X
Lucid encapsulation of one of 20th century's most influential thinker's theories
regarding technology, particularly electronic media. Beautifully illustrated,
the design of this book is said to have influenced the look of WIRED magazine.
War And Peace In The Global Village
ISBN: 1888869070
Thirty years ahead of its time, this book addresses the potential of electronic
media to unite the world into a peaceful community of individuals allied
through a global communications network.
Miller, Henry
Opus Pistorum ISBN:
Written for $1 per page in 1941, this bawdy episodic novel might be miscontrued
as pornography if it hadn't been knocked out by a literary giant.