Well, not every night can be as fabulous as this
one, but the evening did start out promisingly enough at the Monkey Pub
with Harpy, some very chic kids from
Japan who play a kind of electronic nowave punk jazz held together with
bubblegum. After their set our quest for a good time took us to
Bevis Frond
at the Langston Hughes
Theater. It's a cool venue, with plush carpeting in the aisles to lounge
on and a domed ceiling against which three different films were projected
simultaneously. "Frond" reminds me of fern, which is what the dinosaurs ate.
We ended up goofing around on the steps of the theater where Austin Powers'
long lost cousin handed me an invite to
Nicastro's Renters Ball. Maybe I'll go "in my best rags to symbolize
the renters' plight," as the yellow invite suggests. The evening ended/the
morning began with a 4 a.m. Safeway pizza (2/$4.99) breakfast, the paper
to which we neglected to remove, resulting in this fabulous artwork, the
original of which is up for grabs at
What am I bid?