Picture of the Day
yesterday | today tomorrow

June 4, 2000

Can you say "Anunnaki?" It was a lovely day to be alive at the Center of the Universe. We rowed under the Ballard Bridge in Bruce's fisherman friend Bob's boat, getting up close to big trawlers and cargo ships with 13 feet of hull below the waterline. We wondered if ANTARCTIC had gone that far, puzzled over Norse lettering, and imagined the life of the CASH BUYER trading c-notes for fish flesh on a weathered deck in northern light. Two meals (brunch & dinner) with Bruce & Connie today--both were delicious. It ended the usual way: Sunday evening (that is to say, leveling out) bonfire/bbq/drumcircle/fireperformancepractice/flamethrower TEST (remember Ken Kesey? It's a little like Furthur--minus acid and the bus) w/ 5-yr-olds Amanda & Arayna shooting photographs and interesting transients recounting travels. You are welcome to join us.
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