I've been sleeping well. Always have,
and now is no different. What's changed since September 11 is my waking thought:
"Has anything horrible happened?" I'm in no hurry to find out, lie abed wondering
what good I can do with this day.
The men with guns are dropping bombs on Afghanistan. I don't see how this
will help. The
"war" on terrorism stands as much chance of succeeding
as the
on Drugs. Or maybe they're part of the same plan?
Impossible to prove, but it seems the dots want to be
Bush Sr.--of whom
G.W. is but a puppet extension--served as CIA director (1975-77); was (by
Dan Quayle's father) appointed director of pharmaceutical giant
Lilly, mind control government contractor who synthesized LSD for CIA
programs in the 1950s and still produces many precursor chemicals for
heroin production (1979); and headed Reagan's Drug Task Force (1981-88)--"OK,
Cat, now I want you to watch this canary."
The CIA (what Buckminster Fuller
referred to as "Capitalism's Invisible Army") has been repeatedly
to drug trafficking.
The #1 industry
of southern Florida is cocaine. That state's governor is Jeb Bush and it
is where George Jr. wrangled his highly suspect
Afghanistan is the
source of
72% of the world's
If you want to
understand history, follow the money.
Hundreds of years ago, wars were fought, millions enslaved, and empires built
around the spice trade. Those dynamics of free trade have not changed. The
U.S. flag, which so many now proudly display in a bid to feel a part of a
community, is a direct adaptation of a corporate logo--the herald of the
East India Trading Company, which was the power behind
the British throne and developed, through its college, the protocols and
strategies of the Royal Navy as a means of controlling and protecting the
flow of private wealth. Today those same roles are played by supertankers
and aircraft carriers, with nuclear subs as aces in the hole.
Follow the money.
Follow your money.
any corporation which exploits labor, damages the environment, or invests
in companies engaged in these shortsighted practices. Start with oil
and gas.
It's not much, but it's more than a gesture. Each individual action has its
effect. If you doubt you can live without their products, ask yourself how
you became so dependent.
I lie in bed, worried in equal parts about our so-called government (i.e.,
vested corporate interests) and the terrorist backlash its actions provoke,
wondering what I can do about any of it, and the end result is this web page,
which is kind of pathetic, but I don't know what else to do.
you? |
Excerpts from
Critical Path
by Buckminster Fuller:
George Washington took command of the U.S. Continental
Army under an elm tree in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The flag used for that
occasion was the East India Company's flag, which by pure coincidence had
the thirteen red and white stripes.... While the British government lost
the 1776 war, the East India Company's owners who constituted the invisible
power structure behind the British government not only did not lose but moved
right into the new U.S.A. economy along with the latter's most powerful
landowners. (p. 78)
We have also noted how the power structures
successively dominant over human affairs had for aeons successfully imposed
a "specialization" upon the intellectually bright and physically talented
members of society as a reliable means of keeping them academically and
professionally divided--ergo, "conquered," powerless. The separate individuals'
special, expert glimpses of the separate, invisible reality increments became
so infinitesimally fractionated and narrow that they gave no hint of the
significant part their work played in the omni-integrating evolutionary front
of total knowledge and its power-structure exploitability in contradistinction
to its omni-humanity-advantaging potentials. Thus the few became uselessly
overadvantaged instead of the many becoming regeneratively ever more universally
Hyperspecialization also prevented popular comprehension of what the ongoing
world power structure was doing--ergo, hyperspecialization kept society
preoccupied in ways nondetrimental to the power structure's interests and
practically dependent upon
the power structure's media for information. (p. 162)
We may soon discover that all babies are born geniuses and only become degeniused
by the erosive effects of unthinkingly maintained false assumptions of the
grown-ups. (p. 26)
Realistic, comprehensively responsible, omnisystem-considerate, unselfish
thinking on the part of humans does absolutely affect human

Big Picture |