Join the Picture of the Day Fan
and receive these toothsome benefits:
Official Membership Card and Naked Man Monitor Sticker
10 Original 4x6 Signed Prints of My Choosing
2 High Quality Postcards of These Images: 1
5x7 Archival Inkjet of Your Favorite POD Picture
One-of-a-Kind Color Drawing of Anything You Request
Sealed DNA Sample for Cloning Purposes
DIY Publication Sampler, Guaranteed to Include the Following:
An Unwholesome Child
48 pp of poems, stories, and pictures.
A teeny tiny b/w chapbook of a poem in six parts, w/ pix.
Duck & Cover
Single sheet foldover edition of this
...Plus Many Other Surprises! |
Just Print-and-Mail this Order Form
and Send It with $10 USD to: [Sorry,
offer expired, club defunct, but you can donate.]
POD Fan Club, c/o Robert Zverina
3955-B Fremont Ave N
Seattle WA 98103
Your contribution shows the world you have great taste and believe in supporting
independent media, not to mention that it will help me pay the rent for another
month, at least. |
Other Products |
An Evening with Poet-O
"The Bard of Central Park," Isidore Block, recites
his poems of living on the streets, alternating with on-the-spot renditions
by unrehearsed but willing audience members. Seventy-seven years old at the
time this was recorded in 1998, Block's perserverance and belief in the power
of poetry to overcome hardship makes this 40-minute film as inspiring as
it is entertaining.
VHS, $20 (half of which goes to Mr. Block) |
"Nothing" and "The Four Seasons and Then Some"
A Boomerang digital phrase sampler meets the mouths of Rob Zverina and John
Berry, aka
SCHMECK, creating
loopy sound experiments which run the gamut from spoken word to noise, with
haunting melodies falling somewhere in between. Ranging in length from 2
seconds to 8 minutes, there are tracks here which are sure to appeal to anyone
and which will more than justify the insanely low cost
2 70+ minute CDs for $5 |
The Artist Formerly Known for His
Custom prints of any picture on
this Website made to order, plus a variety of
existing prints to choose from. Buy a 3x4-foot famous
doggie photo for a low $100, or peruse
my gallery of T&A shots, some of which
have been featured in smutty art books.
Prices vary. Email rob (at) with
inquiries. |
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Day... |